Connecting Communities. Together.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are a vital part of how we support our clients. Find opportunities to assist those in our community who need a helping hand.

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Help Us Help Others

Volunteers are a vital part of how JFS supports our clients. By giving their time, energy and experience, JFS volunteers provide a helping hand to our staff, isolated seniors and others in our community who may be struggling with difficult circumstances. Our volunteers make such a difference and we recognize the tremendous value that volunteers bring to our community. We also recognize the wonderful feeling that we all get from helping others. Together, we can help you connect to your community.
How to Serve

Volunteer Opportunities

Last year, 191 people volunteered on behalf of Jewish Family Service. Many volunteer opportunities exist so that you can find something that interests you and fits your schedule. We have opportunities that are bi-weekly, monthly or even just once a year.

Helping Hands Program

Offer companionship to home-bound older adults and people with disabilities The goal is to help those who feel isolated enjoy friendship and independent living as long as possible. Volunteer background checks required.


Contact Jamie Maresca to sign-up.

(615) 354-1686 |

Chaver Mentor Program

Act as on-going Jewish role model in a child’s life. The Chaver (friend) Mentor program matches an adult with a young person being raised in a non-traditional Jewish home who could use extra support. Volunteer background checks required.

Contact Ashley Franklin to sign-up.

(615) 354-1662 |

Hanukkah Gift Program

We need gifts for families in need of extra assistance at Hanukkah so that they are able to celebrate the holiday with dignity. JFS-qualified families submit a wish list of gifts they know their children want or need, and you help us fulfill. Donors and recipients are anonymous.


Contact Contact Toni Jacobsen to sign-up.

(615) 354-1672 |

Cyber Seniors

Use your computer savvy to help older adults with basic tech assistance.  While this program isn’t a substitue for skilled technical support, you will empower others and enhance the simple ways to remain connected in the 21st century. Volunteer background checks required.


Contact Jamie Maresca to sign-up.

(615) 354-1686 |


Jacobs Ladder

Can you help older adults perform small tasks that require a ladder (such as changing a light bulb or replacing a smoke detector battery)? We need volunteers who are able to tackle household chores that are just out of reach. Volunteer background checks are required.


Contact Jamie Maresca to sign-up.

(615) 354-1686 |

Agency Support

From basic administration skills to legal expertise, it takes a diverse set of professional abilities to keep the JFS office operating. Choose to be a regular contributor or available on-call as needed. No matter your gift, we’ll plug you in to a project suited just for you.

Contact Janet Parr to sign-up.

(615) 356-4234 |

School Supply Program

Arm Nashville-area kids with enough school supplies to get them through the year and ease the family burden that comes with having to purchase all their student needs to thrive. All donors and recipients are anonymous.

Contact Contact Toni Jacobsen to sign-up.

(615) 354-1672 |

Religious Programming

Many older adults in assisted living facilities are unable to travel to synagogue or the GJCC for Shabbat services and other Jewish holidays. We need your help in bringing Jewish life, traditions, and experiences directly to them.


Contact Jamie Maresca to sign-up.

(615) 354-1686 |