Helene and John Dunbar with their daughter, Keira
Creating a family can be a challenging and often expensive experience. For some couples wishing to adopt, the high cost associated with the process is a barrier to fulfilling their dream of parenthood. There is a home study, travel expenses, legal fees, and many other out-of-pocket costs not covered by medical insurance, which can deplete a couple’s resources. Jewish Family Service of Middle Tennessee has been guiding families through the adoption process for more than 40 years providing resources, support, and financial aid. One significant resource, The Earl Kirshner Adoption Loan Program, provides no interest loans to Jewish couples who are clients of JFS. According to Howard Kirshner, Earl’s son, his father was passionate about supporting the Jewish community and he loved children. “Jewish Family Service was very important to my dad. It makes us very happy to be able to help people create Jewish families and I know my dad would be proud.” And now, JFS is announcing they have a new adoption loan fund, the Abe and Renette Corenswet Adoption Loan Fund, that will provide similar assistance, but is expanding the scope of the fund to those who are not currently clients. Toni Jacobsen, Clinical Director of JFS, says this new fund allows even more people to get the help they need, “The initial purpose of the Kirshner Fund was to help build Jewish families. This fund allows us to really build upon that and be open to any family in the area, not just our clients.”