Empowering Older Adults. Together.
Older Adult ServicesAge-related programs and services designed specifically for older adults to thrive.
Celebrating, supporting, and empowering our truest treasures.
We recognize that older adults are true treasures, and we strive to create and maintain a community that values and celebrates them for their wisdom, contributions, and experiences. Our programs are an important outlet for our seniors, encouraging them to be social and stimulated. JFS is continuously evaluating the needs in our community to ensure we are providing aging-related programs that focus on issues such as physical and mental health, mobility, grief, isolation, and more.
We also recognize the important role that caregivers and family members play and offer programs and support groups for caregivers and adult children of aging parents, to help ensure that they are continually supported and educated.

Older Adult Progams & Services
Cyber Seniors
Cyber Seniors matches computer savvy volunteers with older adults needing basic tech assistance.
Golden Lunch Bunch
Twice monthly lunch program for older adults to enjoy a catered lunch, live musical entertainment, and socialization.
Helping Hands
Companionship and friendship for isolated seniors and people with disabilities. JFS volunteers provide regular telephone calls or in person visits, through which a baseline of friendship, care and concern is maintained.
Helping Hands: Dementia Enrichment
Art and music programs that match trained facilitators with people living with Alzheimer’s or other dementias for one-on-one monthly visits in homes, assisted living communities or nursing homes.
Jacob's Ladder
JFS volunteers help seniors who need assistance with small tasks that require the use of a ladder (such as changing smoke detector batteries and light bulbs).
Low-Vision Aid
Giving seniors with failing eyesight the tools they need to maintain independence in their day-to-day living.
Religious Programming
From Shabbat services with challah and wine, to Hanukkah celebrations with latkes and applesauce, we strive to help our older population have the joy of the holidays as they have for years in the past.
Senior Services Directory
Need to know which pharmacies deliver? How to get a ride somewhere? Volunteer opportunities? The senior directory is the go-to resource for anything seniors might need related to the community.
Cyber Seniors
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Jamie Maresca.
Cyber Seniors matches computer savvy volunteers with older adults needing basic tech assistance.
Especially critical during the pandemic, this program continues to be available for increasing confidence with such things as Zoom meetings, online grocery shopping, and staying in touch virtually with family and friends.
Cyber Seniors
Cyber Seniors matches computer savvy volunteers with older adults needing basic tech assistance.
Especially critical during the pandemic, this program continues to be available for increasing confidence with such things as Zoom meetings, online grocery shopping, and staying in touch virtually with family and friends.
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Anna Sir.
Hosted at The Temple, the Golden Lunch Bunch is a gathering for older adults to enjoy a catered lunch, live musical entertainment, and socialization. Open to all Jewish seniors in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area, the Golden Lunch Bunch is held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.
Check the Golden Lunch Bunch event calendar for upcoming dates.
Golden Lunch Bunch
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Jamie Maresca.
Golden Lunch Bunch
Hosted at The Temple, the Golden Lunch Bunch is a gathering for older adults to enjoy a catered lunch, live musical entertainment, and socialization. Open to all Jewish seniors in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area, the Golden Lunch Bunch is held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.
Check the Golden Lunch Bunch event calendar for upcoming dates.
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Anna Sir.
Helping hands
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Jamie Maresca.
By matching a volunteer with a Helping Hands client, JFS volunteers provide in person visits or regular telephone calls, through which a baseline of friendship, care and concern is maintained. Visits are tailored to the older adult’s interests and may include activities such as discussing current events, playing cards, reading a book or the newspaper, or listening to music together.
All volunteers are trained and undergo a background check.
Helping Hands
By matching a volunteer with a Helping Hands client, JFS volunteers provide regular telephone calls or in person visits, through which a baseline of friendship, care and concern is maintained. Visits are tailored to the older adult’s interests and may include activities such as discussing current events, playing cards, reading a book or the newspaper, or listening to music together.
All volunteers are trained and undergo a background check yearly.
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Anna Sir.
Matching music and art professionals with people living with dementia for monthly one-on-one visits.
Musical Helping Hands matches trained professional musicians with people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias for one-on-one monthly visits in homes, assisted living communities, or nursing homes.
The Helping Hands Art/OMA Program is a collaboration between JFS and Opening Minds Through Art (OMA), a national evidence-based art program. OMA’s mission is to build bridges across age and cognitive barriers through art through matching a trained art facilitator with someone living with dementia.
In offering music and art options, JFS recognizes the uniqueness of each situation and strives to offer opportunities for meaningful engagement and positive interaction. Our providers travel to homes, assisted living communities or nursing homes.
Helping Hands: Alzheimer’s and other Dementias Enrichment
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Jamie Maresca.
Helping Hands: Alzheimers & Dementia Enrichment
The Helping Hands Art/OMA Program is a collaboration between JFS and Opening Minds Through Art (OMA), a national evidence-based art program. OMA’s mission is to build bridges across age and cognitive barriers through art through matching a trained art facilitator with someone living with dementia.
In offering music and art options, JFS recognizes the uniqueness of each situation and strives to offer opportunities for meaningful engagement and positive interaction. Our volunteers travel to homes, assisted living communities or nursing homes.
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Anna Sir.
Jacob’s Ladder
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Jamie Maresca.
We’ll climb the ladder to help with the chores that are just out of reach.
Jacob’s Ladder
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Anna Sir.
Low-Vision Aid
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Toni Jacobsen.
Low-Vision Aid
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Anna Sir.
Religious Proramming
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Jamie Maresca.
If you’re unable to travel outside of your home to celebrate the holidays, we’ll bring the holidays to you.
Religious Programming

If you are interested in learning more about this program, please call or email Anna Sir.
Senior Services Directory
Senior Services Directory
Confidentiality Promise
The trust between our clients and JFS is the basis for our success. All transactions and discussions are protected by the highest professional ethical standards of client/counselor confidentiality.