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Life & LegacyTM

Make a promise for the future.

Including Jewish Family Service in your estate plans enables you to support programs and services that are most important to you and to leave a lasting legacy–all while retaining control of your assets during your lifetime.

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The Life & LegacyTM
Shared Commitment

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Jewish Family Service is one of thirteen community partners participating in Nashville’s transformational LIFE & LEGACY™ program. LIFE & LEGACY™ is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF) and the Jewish Federation and Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee that promotes after-lifetime giving to benefit the entire Nashville Jewish community.

The program represents a shared commitment by local agencies and congregations to work together to secure a more vibrant Jewish future. The program is founded on the principle that all of us, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation can make an enduring impact.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Get Started

The simplest methods of leaving a legacy are through a will or estate plan or by adding or changing a beneficiary designation on a retirement fund or life insurance policy. Your legacy commitment can be a percentage or a specific dollar amount.

To start the conversation about joining the Legacy Society members who have already made a commitment, please contact Pam Kelner, Executive Director, at (615) 354-1644 or or JFS Life and Legacy Team Leader Sandra Hecklin at (615) 356-3473.

Or, if you have already made a legacy provision in your estate plan or intend to do so, please download and submit the letter of intent.

JFS Legacy Society Members are people like you, who want to:


Enable JFS to meet the challenge of changing social and economic conditions that constantly create new needs and that demand new and innovative responses, just as we have for the past 168 years.


Ensure that when community members are in need or in crisis, they will always be able to turn to JFS for support and guidance.


Stand up and be counted as part of your community’s collective effort to create a more just world for your generation and for those to come.

Your participation in the community-wide LIFE & LEGACYTM program does not require a cash donation today. It is simply a promise for the future.

Our Generous

Legacy Society Members

JFS thanks you for your commitment to ensuring that we will be around for another 168+ years serving the ever-changing social and economic needs of the community! Since launching Life and Legacy, the people below have signed a letter of intent indicating they will leave an after-lifetime gift to Jewish Family Service.

Listing as of 9/2024

Theresa and Kevin Alexandroni

Felicia and Ken Anchor

Larry Averbuch

Richard Barnett

Lynn and David Barton

Didi and Brian Biesman

Jamie and Jeremy Brook

Starlet Burney

Robin and Mark Cohen

Terri Z. Cohen

Renette (z”l) and Abe (z”l) Corenswett

Mary Cornelius and Elaine Taubin

Erin Coleman

Melissa and Norman Davis

Karen Dotter

Jill and Dan Eisenstein

Annette Eskind

Andrea and Kevin Falik

Nancy Flexer

Lisa and Rick Forberg

Nili  Friedman

Harris A. Gilbert z’l

Natalie Glazer

Cindee and Michael Gold

Bernie Goldstein z’l

Bernice and Joel z’l Gordon

Robert Gordon

Reta Guttman z’l

Heidi and John Hassenfeld

Rachel Hauber

Sandra and Steve Hecklin

David Heller

Reva and Gene z’l Heller

Toni and Dick Heller

Rae and Bruce Hirsch

Melanie and Doug Hirt

Mary Loventhal Jones

Jackie Karr

Pam and Shaul Kelner

Leslie and Howard Kirshner

Ruth Klar

Glenda and Lee Kraft

Roslyn Landa

Valerie and Adam Landa

Leslye and Steve Lapidus

Jan Liff

Bobbie and Alex Limor

Diana z’l and Shelly Lutz

Patty and Jimmy Marks

Bonnie and Robert Miller

LaQuita Martin and Richard Orland

Suzy and Stewart Perlman

Elaine z’l and Frank z’l Parker

Daniella Pressner and Rabbi Saul Strosberg

Edria and David Ragosin

Marsha Raimi

Esther and Steven Remer

Evan Rittenberg

Marissa and Ben Russ

Arlene and Howard Safer

Stan and Marco Fernandez-Schklar

Suzanne and Jimmy Schulman

Rhoda Schulman

Goldie and Mark Shepard

Lisa and Mike Shmerling

Elise Small

Nan Speller

David Steine Jr.

Cindy Stone and Mark Glazer

Laura Thompson and Yuri Livshitz

Alyssa Trachtman

Michelle Trachtman

Katie and Adam Wayne

Karen and Howie Weil

Erin and Greg Zagnoev

Anonymous (5)

* names noted in blue have formalized their gift