News from the Heart
December 2018
Dear Friends of JFS,
I am glad to be able to write you again about the exciting things, both new and older, going on at JFS. I am always amazed at the number and breadth of the programs that a small agency can provide in our community, but JFS does just that. From newer programs that build on older ones like the Opening Minds Through Art for people with dementia, to programs that have been around for many years like our Kosher food box program and our counseling services, JFS is always looking to find new and better ways to serve people in the Jewish community of Middle Tennessee that need and deserve to have the peace of mind that these services provide.
I also am always excited about the family life education programs because I feel that many people might believe that they are lucky enough not to need JFS’s direct services. Even if you are in such a position, programs like Turning Beliefs Into Action from this past year about teen empowerment, or the program and performance about dealing with addiction from last year are informative and compelling programs for the entire community that provide value to everyone. Of course, all these things are made possible by our excellent staff and our tireless volunteers.
It is a privilege to lead the board and I look forward to seeing what JFS has in store for the upcoming year.
Ben Russ
JFS President
In this Issue:
- Art Show Highlights New JFS Program
- 2017-2018 Service & Program Highlights
- Chesed Dinner Honorees
- New Employee Spotlight: Ashley Franklin
- JFS Caregiver Support Group – Nourishing Body and Soul
- Turning Beliefs Into Action
- Adoption Gifts
- Tributes
- Low-vision Aids Have New Visibility!