Building Families. Together.

Adoption Agency Services Nashville

Adoption is a journey. Let us to be your guide for placement and adoption services in Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

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Compassionate and inclusive adoption services serving Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

Choosing to adopt a child, or to place a child for adoption, is a life-altering decision. Jewish Family Service is a licensed child-placing agency in Tennessee with more than 50 years of experience in adoption services in Nashville and Middle Tennessee and operates out of a place of knowledge and compassion for everyone involved.

Choosing adoption is an extremely emotional decision, and JFS has the tools to guide the process along until it reaches the end goal – a happy, healthy family unit. The opportunity to receive education and counseling along the way is invaluable to the success of the adoption journey. While there is a fee for our adoption services, we are confident you will feel well-informed and prepared throughout the entire process.

Serving Tennessee Families

Since 1970


JFS adoption services are open to all Tennesseans, regardless of religious affiliation, race, ability, orientation, or identity.


We were the first child welfare agency in the state to facilitate an LGBTQ+ adoption (2002) and the first adoption agency in TN certified as a Human Rights Campaign (HRC), All Children’s All Families Agency.


Over the last 50 years, we have helped place nearly 1,000 children into loving, thriving homes.

Who We Serve

Adoption Services

Birth Parents

Choosing to place your child for adoption takes courage and compassion. We’re here to offer guidance and support.

Adoptive Parents

With over 50 years of experience in adoption services in Nashville, we’ll simplify the process and help grow your family.

LGBTQ+ Adoption

Since 2002, we have been passionate advocates for adoption equality in Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

Inclusion Commitment

Jewish Family Service believes that families can be comprised of many different make ups because love knows no bounds. JFS is proud to offer services to anyone compelled to adoption, no matter their religious affiliation, race, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

How We Serve

Nashville Adoption Services

Adopting in Tennessee can be an overwhelming process; it can be hard to even know where to begin. With over 50 years of experience in adoption services in Nashville, we’ll help you get started on your journey.

Are adoptions services available to everyone?

Yes! While some of our other programs are available to only those of the Jewish faith, our Nashville adoption services are available to the entire community.

How do I get started?

You can send a request here, or call us at (615) 356-4234.

How will you keep my information private?

All communications with JFS are confidential and all employees must sign confidentiality agreements. Written records are kept in locked files. Although our offices are located within the Gordon Jewish Community Center, the entrance to our offices are in the back of the building with a private entrance and fully confidential.

Do you charge fees for service?

Adoption is a fee for service program.  Contact us for more details. 

“We wanted to let you know how truly appreciative we are that you have been so friendly and efficient in getting [our adoption] done for us in a timely fashion. You have far exceeded our expectations and made this experience very pleasant for us both. It was truly a pleasure meeting you.”

– Adoption Client

“We will never be able to express our gratitude for all you have done to make our dream of becoming parents a reality. Our daughter is a happy and healthy child.”

– Adoption Client

“The staff of Jewish Family Service gave our family a sense of compassion and caring in a sometimes challenging process.”

– Adoption Client

“We have often thought of you since our last home visit. I wanted to take this time to remind you how very much you are appreciated.”

– Adoption Client